1:24:06Episode 1
January 2014 | Oli Bowles
Episode 1
A winter overnighter on a brand new water for Oli & Joe - never easy but a brand new challenge always makes the anglers have to work even harder to try and outwit the carp.
1:18:13Episode 2
March 2014 | Terry Hearn
Episode 2
The second part of our awesome Terry Hearn feature, and this month he talks rigs and bait, as well as reliving more of his recent catches! PLUS Darrell Peck gives us his pop up tips and shows us how it's done in the kitchen
1:31:48Episode 3
April 2014 | Jon McAllister
Episode 3
An early spring session with big fish angler Jon McAllister, talking early spring tactics, rig mechanics and much more! Also, a fantastic "Match of the Day" with Jake Wildbore, Terry Hearn's "Schoolboy Error", plus all the usual Carp TV features...
1:42:31Episode 4
May 2014 | Kev Hewitt
Episode 4
DO NOT miss this issue! An amazing session on Bluebell as we meet Kev Hewitt, the pressured venue and day ticket maestro. 30's, 30's, 30's all the way, PLUS Terry Hearn tells the incredible tale of catching the Burghfield Common, plus all the usual great Carp TV features!
1:40:06Episode 5
June 2014 | Dave Levy
Episode 5
A watercraft masterclass with one of the world's top carp anglers, Dave Lane, as we visit the mighty Burghfield lake in Reading. As well as this, Darrell Peck demystifies the adjustable zig rig, Joe and Pete Castle embark on a unique day session challenge - and Terry Hearn shares some unique word...
1:32:13Episode 6
July 2014 | Tom Dove
Episode 6
An awesome session 'On the Bank' with Tom Dove leads the July 2014 issue of Carp TV.
1:19:16Episode 7
August 2014 | Tom Maker
Episode 7
A roasting hot summer session on Linear Fisheries Hardwick/Smiths lake sees top carp angler Tom Maker pull out all the stops in his pursuit of carp. Also in this issue, we go on a short summer day session and look for tips from Neil Spooner, Simon Scott talks about the importance of oxygen, Jake ...
1:26:54Episode 8
September 2014 | Pete Springate
Episode 8
An audience with Royalty! Carp legend Pete Springate, the man behind not one but TWO of the most iconic images in carp fishing history, joins us to talk about many aspects of the sport. From the 'good old days' right up to the present, this is an issue not to be missed…
1:37:27Episode 9
October 2014 | Ed Skillz
Episode 9
Carping like you've never seen it before... An amazing European adventure sees Joe and the team head for the waterways of Amsterdam! Along with this, a fantastic feature on Farlows Lake, the second part of Joe's weed fishing feature - and a look at some new Free Spirit Rods.
1:35:51Episode 10
November 2014 | James Armstrong
Episode 10
1:43:42Episode 11
December 2014 | Darrell Peck
Episode 11
We're on a truly massive venue this month with the carp machine Darrell Peck as he gives us loads of hints and tips about approaching a new venue, in this case an absolutely huge one! As well as that we've part 2 of our Day Ticket Carping feature, Pete Springate tells the incredible story of the ...